heart mind spirit

Steve Burchell psychotherapy counselling supervision west london v2 200



This set of web pages are a shop window for my psychotherapy and supervision private practice based in West London near Richmond, Isleworth, Hounslow and Ealing. They are intended to help you decide whether you would like to work with me. Have a look through the site or contact me with any further questions.

If you would like to read a paper I wrote for BACP here is the information sheet G8 Counselling Asylum Seekers and Refugees 








This site is partly self-constructed using those wonderful people at Chameleon but, due to my tinkering, may not behave as expected. Please let me know if there are any glitches in your browser. For example - do you see the glass as half empty or half full ?




How easy is it to travel to you ?

Depending on whether you wish to meet for therapy or supervision I am local to the following areas

Counselling and Psychotherapy are offered from dedicated therapy rooms at 48a Overdale Road, Ealing, W5 4TT.

South Ealing and Northfields tube stations are both within a few minutes walking distance and the 65 bus (between Richmond and Ealing) passes nearby. Parking is free after 10am but if you arrive before that time you will need to buy a permit.

Easily accessible from Brentford, Richmond, Twickenham, Isleworth, Kew and Ealing

Here is a map


Supervision sessions are at 78, St.John's Road, Isleworth.

Accessible from Hounslow, Osterley, Ealing,  Acton, Richmond - served by the H37 bus (from Richmond Stn or Hounslow East tube). Ample free parking if you are coming by car.

 Here is another map

coppermobius scaled transparent

Supervision slots are on Wednesdays or Thursdays during the daytime, in Isleworth


Therapy slots are Mondays (daytime and evening) and Fridays (daytimes only) in Ealing. There are occasional one-off slots to explore working with me, or a limited set of three or four when on-going clients are away.


Please get in touch to discuss the type of issues you would like to address.


See the FAQ here for location


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